
2~6 Years

The early years of life are the most important when it comes to the development of skills and competencies that help us succeed in school and throughout later life.  These early years are a sensitive period for developing our sense of self, our confidence, our social skills, collaboration skills, resilience, and cognitive flexibility.

Our children’s adult lives will be filled with experiences and expectations beyond our wildest imagination, and will require 21st century literacies, competencies, and character qualities to succeed in a fast-paced, ever-changing modern world.  Our progressive approach strives to ‘foster confident young learners’ ready to explore the world.  We offer opportunities for social development, for making choices and reflecting on our learning, for experimenting, exploring, and learning by doing. We facilitate children stretching their own understanding and making learning connections in creative ways, developing the skills that will help them succeed and make a positive contribution to society in the future.

Within our bilingual environment, Kindergarten pupils develop excellent social and self-regulation skills within a culture of inquiry, and build strong foundations for learning in all areas of the curriculum. Characteristics of learning are as important as the learning itself. Playing and exploring, active learning, resilience, motivation, making, being and keeping a friend and creative thinking, are central to the programme, they are all part of ‘fostering confident young learners’.

Our open plan environment focuses on collaboration by design, offering children meaningful opportunities to inquire and explore within their class, collaborative class, grade level and house groups. There are even opportunities to work with different grade groups all around school, right up to high school!  Lessons and activities are held both inside and outside of the classroom, with our 4 amazing garden spaces used as outdoor classrooms throughout each and every day.

Learning about ourselves and each other within a vibrant and diverse community that collaborates in a myriad of ways is important to us. When children are confident learners, they are ready to explore, they have the resilience to persevere through challenges and have the motivation to work hard and succeed. Our small class sizes (15-18) and excellent ratio of teachers to students, 3 in each class from Nursery to KG3, with Chinese and international teachers in every room, enables us to offer small group and one-to-one experiences to all children, every day. This balance of large and small group experiences and varied learning experiences ensures there is something exciting each day, for every child, whatever their passion and interest.

Our curriculum is built around 7 main overarching domains. Each domain has a series of grade level targets around which teams develop broad, rich and exciting inquiry projects to provide engaging and meaningful learning opportunities for all.

  • Communication, Language and Early Literacy Development

  • Health and Physical Development

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development

  • Cognitive Development - Science

  • 7 Overarching Curricular Domains

  • Cognitive Development - Mathematics

  • Global, Cultural and Social Studies

  • Creative Arts: Music, Art, Drama and Performance