Friday 9th September 2022 / 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM
2022-2023 Semester 1 CCA Fair

On September 9th, 2022, Wuxi Dipont School of Arts and Science will host the Semester 1 Co-Curricular Activities Fair. During the fair, parents and students will be able to browse and see what activities are available for them to register for and attend after regular school hours. Over 340 activities are on offer this semester. The activities offer a wide variety of choice but can be classified according to a 5-domain system: sports, health, and community; mathematics and logic; expressive arts; and languages. Most of the activities are organized by teachers, but some are offered by professional outside providers, and a significant number are student-led. Student-led activities are supported and supervised by teachers, but the students come up with the entire plan for the activity and lead the gathering each week. Some examples of the large number of options are Model United Nations Club, Baseball Club, Chemistry Academic Support Club, Equestrian Academy, Golf Club, STEAM Maker and Robotics Team, and many more.