Wednesday 25th May 2022 ~ Thursday 26th May 2022
Art Exhibition 2022-Think Differently

Date: 2022.5.25-2022.5.26  

Location: Great Hall(G1-8)&Auditorium(G9-12)

Wuxi Dipont school of Arts and Science is delighted to welcome you to our annual Whole School Art Exhibition. Displayed across our Primary, Auditorium and Secondary school buildings are a wide variety of artwork, created by students from Grade 1 to Grade 12.  

Our exhibition is inspired by a variety of artists, themes, techniques and skills from around the world. We pride ourselves on our curriculum that celebrates cultural diversity to broaden our student’s horizons and guides them into becoming tomorrow’s global citizens. Our curriculum is shaped by two words ‘Think Differently’; what do we want for the children we teach, how can we develop and improve practical skills, whilst nurturing a sense of self, opinion and strong sense of identity? We support our students in becoming future ready. 

We are incredibly proud of our students, teachers, and everything that has been achieved this year, and what we continue to achieve. During a time of extreme change, a test of will and resilience, many people around the world have turned to the Arts to help manage feelings, improve mental health and to bring a sense of purpose and productivity during times of isolation. We recognise this as a challenge for our students, and throughout our lessons have instilled mindfulness and calm activities as part of our learning experience. Art provides an opportunity to develop strategies that successfully manage stress and anxiety, whilst enabling one to express emotion and feelings, all of which are an important part of staying healthy and strong.  

Pablo Picasso wrote ‘Every child is an artist’. As you walk around the exhibition, you will see just that; outstanding Art, outstanding artists. Please enjoy our exhibition.